The Gift of Opera

Believe it or not, we are already in November, the month when everyone gets serious, and sometimes in a panic, over the impending holidays. Since we are able to celebrate in-person, the tasks can easily mount up as you ready your home for guests. If you are not one of those who purchase gifts months in advance, you will probably scour the Internet for last minute presents that can be delivered the next day.

The Santa Fe Opera Guild has a stress-free solution for a special gift that will last for a full year. Whether you have a friend who loves opera, or one who is interested but never pursued that interest, our gift memberships are an imaginative way to tell someone they are appreciated.

To purchase a Gift Membership, click here.

This OperaBlog was contributed by Bernadette Snider, Vice President for Communications, Santa Fe Opera Guild Board of Directors, November 1, 2022.


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