The Holidays Unmasked

There was an enduring ritual in our family to write a “to do” list for baking, cooking, cleaning, and shopping that had to be completed well in advance of the holidays or there would be no joy in Hooterville. Every year the inevitable would happen- the ambitious list was not completed, and the purpose of the holiday took second place to frayed nerves, store-bought dessert, and sheer exhaustion.

Then along comes a pandemic. December 2020 was spent without my twin daughters, granddaughter, and son-in-law. Forty years of ritual was shelved for legitimate safety reasons. The nation collectively grieved the loss of companionship and the warmth of family and friends. However, I maintained the ritual of lists, stress, and self-imposed expectations for my family of three in Santa Fe, only difference was that I was wearing a holiday-themed mask.

2021 began a slow transition, one that I plan to embrace for my own happiness and my family’s sanity. Thanksgiving that year was celebrated wearing pajamas, watching the Macy’s Day parade and the annual dog show; Christmas was equally tranquil and unrushed. The only schedule we had was a family Zoom where we took turns opening presents and had a great time.

This year, I have no idea what we are doing except that will once again our family with gather virtually to avoid frenzied airports and unavoidable exposure to crowds, masked and unmasked. Santa Fe has tentatively resumed holiday activities, and people are entertaining again in their homes, so there a options for celebrating the season in whatever way a person chooses. My plans will be spontaneous, joyful, and tranquil. There will definitely be binge watching of Hallmark Christmas movies; please don’t judge me!  And yes, wherever I go there will still be a mask in my coat pocket...

Have a holiday season that brings you joy, peace, and camaraderie. 

This OperaBlog was contributed by Bernadette Snider, Vice President for Communications, Santa Fe Opera Guild Board of Directors, December 1, 2022.


Blame it on Babylon


Transition: Looking back…Moving forward